Proudly made in the USA

Proudly made in the USA

Dreamsicle Bomb™


Turn your favorite childhood ice cream treat into a refreshing cocktail with this orange and vanilla-flavored Dreamsicle Drink BombTM to bring back that nostalgic memory of summer. This product does not contain alcohol. Makes 1 or 2 drinks.

How to Use Dreamsicle Bombs to Make Orange & Vanilla Flavored Cocktails

  • Add it to your favorite carbonated drink, like club soda or sparkling water.
  • Pour sparkling water over ice with 1.5 oz vodka, then drop in a cocktail bomb, stir, and enjoy.
  • Optional: Use a shaker or blend with ice for a frozen dreamsicle like the ones you used to get at the mall!
  • Garnish. Cheers!

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