Proudly made in the USA

Proudly made in the USA


For Kids: Vita Bomb


Upgrade your kids’ immune system with the Vita Drink Bomb TM. The Vita Drink BombTM is full of nourishing and benefiting nutrients such as Vitamin C and zinc. Add to sparkling water for the perfect afternoon boost of energy!

How to use our Bomb Squad Drink Bombs:

Step 1: Select you favorite Bomb Squad™ drink bomb

Step 2: Drop it into 4-6 oz. of sparkling water or carbonated drink

Step 3: Stir in ice or blend for a frozen beverage. Enjoy!

  • This product does not contain alcohol
  • Bomb size: 1.25 in.
  • Low sugar, low calorie, zero carbs, non GMO
  • Made in USA

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